About Redundancy...
Below are our articles on the subject of About Redundancy. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

A Guide to the Redundancy Process
Being made redundant is something many people will have to deal with at some point in their career. Our guide looks the rules employers must follow, how redundancy pay…...

All About Constructive Dismissal
If you feel forced to resign because your working conditions have become unacceptable, you may be able to claim constructive dismissal and demand compensation from…...

Am I at Risk of Being Made Redundant?
If your firm plans to make redundancies it pays to know how they will judge who goes first and who is at risk....

Am I Eligible for Voluntary Redundancy?
Voluntary redundancy might sound like a golden opportunity, but just because your employer offers it, it does not always mean they will select you....

Am I Entitled to Redundancy from Temporary Work?
Temporary workers are sometimes seen as second class citizens by some employers, but this should not be the case when it comes to redundancy pay....

Are Home Workers Entitled to Redundancy?
Working from home can be rewarding in many ways, but it can be a grey area when it comes to redundancy pay....

Can I Be Made Redundant During a Career Break?
Career breaks can be a grey area when it comes to employment law and not everyone will qualify for redundancy....

Can I Claim Benefits If I Have Volunteered for Redundancy?
Taking voluntary redundancy can often result in a hefty payout which in some circumstances can affect what benefits you are entitled to....

Claiming Redundancy When With an Agency
Not all workers have the same rights when it comes to redundancy pay, sometimes it can pay to be an agency worker, but sometimes it can’t....

Do I Need to Tell Anyone I Have Lost My Job?
Some people choose to keep quiet when made redundant while others tell anyone who listens. The choice is yours, but there might be some you are legally obliged to tell....

Do Women Lose Out More on Redundancy?
Even in an age of equality, some women still lose out next to men when it comes to redundancy....

Does Consultation Always End in Redundancy?
Not all consultation periods end in redundancy and it is the job of the employer to make sure there are as few redundancies as possible....

Early Retirement
Your employer may offer you early retirement as an alternative to redundancy. But it may not always be the best option....

How Accepting an Alternative to Redundancy Affects your Rights
When redundancy is threatened, sometimes alternatives are proposed. It's important to understand how these alternatives might affect your redundancy rights....

How Redundancy Affects Pregnant Women
The issue of pregnant woman in the workplace is still seen as a taboo subject for many employers, but if redundancies need to be made it is important you know your…...

How to Use Flexible Working to Avoid Redundancy
This article explores ways in which flexible working arrangements can help cut down on redundancies....

I Work in the Public Sector, Am I at Risk?
The government is looking to cut up to 40,000 public sector jobs in the next few years as it tries to reign in the UK’s spending....

Is it Illegal to Do Cash in Hand Work When Redundant?
When faced with redundancy it can be tempting to do some cash in hand work, but it is important you still operate within the law.
When faced with redundancy it can…...

Is Overtime Calculated Into My Redundancy Pay?
Many employees rely on overtime to top up their basic wage, but when calculating redundancy overtime is not always taken into account....

Should I Take a Job Cut or a Pay Cut?
As businesses come under pressure to cut costs more employees are being offered a pay cut instead of redundancy, but this is not always the best option....

The Jobs Most at Risk of Redundancy
The sectors that have suffered the highest number of redundancies has changed over the years as changes in society dictate what jobs are most in demand....

What is Redundancy?
The term redundancy is bandied around a lot. Often it's misused. So what exactly is the correct definition of redundancy?...

What to Do When Made Redundant
It can be hard to know what to do after you have been made redundant, this article offers some guidance....

When an Employer Offers Alternatives to Redundancy
Redundancies should only take place after any alternative possibilities have been thoroughly considered, both by the employer and the employees affected. This is not…...

Where to get Outside Help on Redundancy Issues
If you're faced with redundancy, you'll find that the law on the issue is complex. You need to know where to look for outside advice....

Who Will be Made Redundant?
When only part of a workforce is to be made redundant, an emotionally charged selection process must take place. It is important that the employer follow the strict…...

Will Going on Strike Affect My Redundancy?
Strike action does not always mean sacrificing your work rights, but it is important to that your strike is legal or it could result in you being dismissed....