Handling Redundancy...
Below are our articles on the subject of Handling Redundancy. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
How to Tell Employees You Are Making Them Redundant
A guide to how to tell your employees that you are making them redundant - making sure you appreciate the personal impact...
How to Tell People You've Been Made Redundant
It is important you understand how you actually feel about being made redundant in order to decide how to tell your friends and family....
Redundancy and Stress
In recent times research has documented the damaging effects of stress in the workplace. Unfortunately, it's a problem which the possibility of redundancy can only…...
The Role of Trade Unions In Redundancies
Looming redundancies make for a stressful and confusing time in the workplace. Trade unions can offer valuable support....
What to do if your Employer Becomes Insolvent
The law provides elaborate protections for employees facing redundancy. But how do these apply if your employer is insolvent?...
When a Workforce Fights Against Redundancy
If an employer intends to make some or all of a workforce redundant, how viable is the idea of mounting a campaign of resistance in an attempt to bring about a change…...