Expert Advice & Information on Redundancy...
Extensive information on redundancy whether you're an employee or employer. This site includes advice on finances, legalities, emotions and getting started again.
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About Redundancy
About Redundancy: Where to get Outside Help on Redundancy Issues, When an Employer...
Ask Our Experts
Ask Our Experts: Can You Use Redundancy Money to Pay Off Mortgage?, Can I Take on More...
Case Studies
Case Studies: I Forfeited My Redundancy Pay for New Job: A Case Study, My Employer...
Coping with Redundancy
Coping with Redundancy: Questionnaire: Do I Need to Join a Trade Union?,...
Finances: All About Tax Rebates and Redundancy, What are my Obligations to...
Getting a Job
Getting a Job: Important Interview Tips, Deciding What Type of Job you Want, What...
Handling Redundancy
Handling Redundancy: What to do if your Employer Becomes Insolvent,...
Law: Redundancy and Disability, Redundancy: Telling Employees in Person,...
Questionnaires: Questionnaire: Should I Go for a Job I Am Over Qualified For?,...
Retraining: Going into Higher Education for the First Time, Completing your...
Social Security Benefits
Social Security Benefits: Your Mortgage and Benefits, Your Savings and...
Your Own Business
Your Own Business: Pros and Cons of Setting Up a Business, All About Franchises, Start...
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